Time tracking and follow-up is the foundation of every attorney or law firm’s accounting system. Whether your practice uses an hourly or flat rate, time is a resource that every attorney considers and wishes to measure more accurately. Our legal time tracking software was created so that there are no gaps or breaks when monitoring time used for case management in a professional law firm.
A legal time tracking software like Maatdesk can guarantee the registration of billable time without losses, without having to appeal to memory, or without having to check your notes. You can just enter the hours that have to be invoiced in the system, link them to a task, activity, or matching case and subject, and the system will generate the registration automatically. Create time entries quickly, or use a timer, made accessible at the top bar at all times to help you calculate the time spent on a specific task in your law practice.
Make time tracking more efficient in your practice with Maatdesk
Some tasks in the legal field are easy to track, including the time spent in court appearances or appointments with clients. Other activities, however, such as phone calls, are more difficult to track. This is particularly true for law firms with excessive workloads or busy attorneys with a high volume of cases.
Maatdesk intends to make attorney time tracking more effective so that there are no hours lost in your law practice.
Use of timers and billing rates.
Time entries linked to a legal case .
Integration with the calendar module.
Records non-billable time as well.
Time tracking through notes.
Edit and delete specific time entries.
Use of advanced filters for searches.
Status of each time entry (invoiced or not invoiced)
The wise use of a law firm time tracking software helps create time entries more logically and simply, which also helps establish predetermined values based on the activities or tasks to be completed. You can edit details quickly, such as hours worked, activities or legal issues, descriptions, rates and billing details. There are situations where multiple tasks need to be handled and completed at the same time. The simultaneous use of several timers can help you track time invested in each task and register them accordingly.
Time tracking and billing
The main benefit of an exceptional legal time tracking software is to contribute to an optimal follow-up and billing process. Maatdesk helps you generate quick invoices with a single click. The integration of a time tracking software helps create invoices with accurate and customizable data. You will always have the control and flexibility to choose between the time entries you want and to create invoices at any time. You can also create a personalized payment schedule for your clients.
With our client time tracking software in sync with the billing module, you will always find time tracking solutions that can effortlessly adapt to your needs. Lawyer time tracking and follow-up will always require suitable legal billing software that provides maximum results and benefits to your law firm.

Advantages legal timekeeping software
can provide your firm
If you want your firm to administer and generate revenue more efficiently, or wish to dedicate more time to the practice of law, you should choose a time tracking software that will give you peace of mind. With a time tracking management software such as Maatdesk you will track time invested in cases effortlessly, without losing money in the process. A time billing software is a useful tool for non-billable entries as well as fixed rates, which will allow you to evaluate the efficiency and performance of revenue and fees your business generates, as well as guarantee more efficient employee time management.
From the administrative point of view, a good time legal time tracking software helps to trace realistic goals that will affect the short and long term performance of your law firm. This scenario is particularly true for small law firms where staff may be in charge of multiple tasks making multi-tasking a necessity. Our time billing software provides your employees with the best time tracking solutions to ensure that time is managed efficiently.
Having a time tracking software can save attorneys a lot of time, which can be conveniently used on important legal tasks. This approach is the safest way to guarantee that each attorney and firm make optimal use of their time, as long as the hours to be invoiced are tracked and registered with accuracy.